14 die of water-borne disease in Akwa- Ibom community - Trends and Politics


Monday, 15 April 2019


14 die of water-borne disease in Akwa- Ibom community


Fourteen persons are reported dead from water borne disease in Okoroutip community, an oil producing community in Ibeno local government area of Akwa Ibom State. The death occurred  between December last year to the present time.
Indigenes of the community disclosed that apart from lack of source of potable water, they also suffer ravaging flood as a result of activities of oil companies operating in the area.
Youth president of the community, Henry Nkan said the community depend on existing ponds and water that flows from creeks for their source of drinking water, which has caused the  lives of many
"As a riverine area where there is no bush to dispose waste, the community dispose faeces and other organic substances in the water and still drink from it.
"From December last year (2018) till date, we have buried about 14 people that died from water borne diseases and we are afraid that more lives would be lost as nothing is being done to rescue us from the situation"
He said that the even only borehole in the community which was drilled by ExxonMobil many years ago is no longer functioning.
The  supervisor for Education in Ibeno local government and indigene of the  community Isaac Williams also said the people abandoned the borehole drilled by ExxonMobil when it was discovered that the water contained some dirty particles suspected to be crude oil which was not good for domestic use and for drinking.
"The problem of water in Okoroutip is a consequence of the terrain of the area and as a result of heavy presence of oil. We are still pleading with multi national oil companies to come to our rescue by giving us good source of water. We believe that some day  succour would come our way.
"The borehole is a tale of neglect and outright abandonment. It has been overgrown by weeds. Women now hang their washed clothes on the rusted water tank stand.
Also the only Health Centre in the area constructed by the former council chairman Mrs Regina Egbe is not equipped, no personnel to attend to patients.
"Health workers only come here to give immunization vaccines to our children and go back. There is no health personnel to attend to patients during emergencies.  Lack of medical facility contributes to adult and infant mortality in this community."

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