Nigeria needs innovative leaders, says Ezekwesili - Trends and Politics


Thursday, 22 November 2018


Nigeria needs innovative leaders, says Ezekwesili

Oby Ezekwesili

Presidential candidate of the Allied Congress Party of Nigeria,  ACPN, Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, has cautioned Nigerians on voting for  candidates that have failed Nigeria in the past or lacked innovation and 
creativity to move the country forward.
She lamented the desperation of some presidential candidates to be in  power, saying, “Some of them have been showcasing empty manifestos and  policy documents that are not in terms and in reality with modern day  Nigeria.”
Ezekwesili added, “We need a creative leader with innovative ideas to  move Nigeria forward. We are tired of manifestos that cannot take us  anywhere. 2019 election should be about who will add value to Nigeria  and bring development. We cannot trust those that have failed us in the  past.”
According to her, these politicians are already sponsoring and attending  book publications that will help shore up their battered reputation and  deceive Nigerians into voting them into power.
In a press statement from her campaign office, HOPE 2019, on Thursday,  the ACPN presidential candidate advised Nigerians not to be deceived by  empty promises" ahead of the 2019 presidential elections.
The statement read, “Your concern should rather be on how to elect a  mpresident who thinks globally and acts locally. Nigerians need a  president who understands how to create millions of job opportunities  via Blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT).
You need a president who understands the importance of cloud technology  and Big Data in Nigeria’s business environment. The plan should be  detailed towards electing a president who will maximise the power of  Artificial Intelligence while ensuring that our youths do not lose their  jobs to the AI technology.
Do not elect a president who is scared to attend a presidential debate  where he would discuss his plans for the country with Nigerians, but  would rather send a ministerial representative. Do note vote in a leader  whose usage of the social media is very primitive.
Nigeria needs a president who understands financial technology and  micro-economics. The country needs a leader who understands youth  empowerment and entrepreneurship. Do not allow anyone to deceive you  into voting for him on the promise that he would be in power for only  four years, whereas plans to do eight years. Hire right!”
It added, "We are also confident that no gang up can defeat the social  forces arrayed against the decadent leadership that has impoverished our  people and extinguished hope in the country.
"Our presidential candidate, Obiageli Ezekwesili, is committed to  lifting 80 million Nigerians out of abject poverty and undoing the  economic downturn imposed on the nation."

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