Pyagbara's attack on MOSOP chapter leaders is inappropriate and disdainful--MOSOP Leaders - Trends and Politics


Sunday, 7 October 2018


Pyagbara's attack on MOSOP chapter leaders is inappropriate and disdainful--MOSOP Leaders


The Forum of Chapter Leaders of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) has expressed shock and disapproval with the current and out-going president of MOSOP Legborsi Saro Pyagbara over his use of disdainful language on the group in his reaction to their protest of Thursday, October 4, 2018 during which the group expressed disappointment in his leadership and called for elections which are overdue and which is a constitutional provision.
Pyagbara's comments had described the protesters as miscreants sponsored to foment trouble in Ogoniland and was aired on Friday October 5 2018 during the 7.00am news on Port Harcourt radio, Rhythm 93.7 FM.
The group in a statement said: “We wish to state that although Pyagbara's insults changes nothing about our status in MOSOP and will not alter our commitment to the struggle of the Ogoni people for justice, we consider Pyagbara's attack on us by the use of such derogatory language, "miscreants", as very inappropriate and disdainful.
We regret that for whatever reason, a president of MOSOP will so recklessly use such language on his own people simply because we called for elections which are overdue and have opted for a peaceful protest following his obstinacy and undemocratic tendencies.
Pyagbara's reaction clearly expresses his disrespect for the the human person and especially his own chapter leaders who have been the strength of the MOSOP he leads.
For the records, we want to make clear that we are the chapter leaders of MOSOP and we took to the streets to peacefully protest against Pyagbara's disposition not to conduct elections in MOSOP as his tenure comes to an end in December 2018 and to reject the plan to extend the tenure, by whatever means, beyond December 2018 as provided for under the MOSOP constitution.
We note that as a people, we have made enormous sacrifices to sustain the Ogoni struggle and as a group, we remain committed to the ideals of MOSOP.
We further want the MOSOP president to note that our protest of Thursday October 4, 2018 represents the wishes of the grassroots which we represent.
We therefore want to make clear that the Ogoni people have spoken and we will  stand by our words.”

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