Cheap IoT devices could create problems for critical infrastructure-- Nikolaos Isaris - Trends and Politics


Tuesday, 19 June 2018


Cheap IoT devices could create problems for critical infrastructure-- Nikolaos Isaris

Nikolaos Isaris

Cheaply-made consumer IoT devices could create problems for critical infrastructure, energy grids and health providers if not properly secured, European Commission IoT policy adviser Nikolaos Isaris told Mobile World Live.

In an interview at Mobile 360 Privacy and Security event, Isaris who is deputy head of IoT at the EC’s directorate-general for communications networks – added providers must include security at every price point.
It’s not necessary that the cheap device should be insecure and that an expensive one should be secure,” he noted. “These devices can be used as a vector to create bigger problems – to critical infrastructures, to energy grids, health providers.”
So one of the big challenges is making sure these cheap consumer items have the right level of security, in order for them not to become a way for hackers to attack different networks,” Isaris added.
During the interview, he also discussed how the EC shapes regulation to cover technologies in such a way which ensures they are not already out of date as new innovations are made.

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